Fight Academy Australia is proudly associated with the popular Wanna Be A Fighter challenge.
Wanna Be A Fighter began over 10 years ago under the guidance and direction of Nick Atkins, and over the years has grown to have more trainers, more locations and more disciplines.
We’ve trained hundreds of challengers who walked in as complete beginners to have all walked away with both skills and an experience they never thought possible.
Ultimately though, the questions is simple. Do you wanna be a fighter?
Wanna Be a Fighter 10 Week Challenge
$999 + Booking Fee
or $99 per week. Boxing & Kickboxing Challenges Available!
10 weeks of training with professional trainers at Fight Academy Australia
Your fight entry for Infliction Fight Night
Media package of photos & videos
2x body composition scans
Wanna Be a Fighter training shirt
Training gear pack valued at over $300
YouTube series of the challenge journey
Post-fight event afterparty
New skills, self-confidence, fitness & FUN!
Find the next challenge start dates here!